The Kennedy’s are a fascinating family and one that evokes both power and nostalgia. One of the clan that is less known but with a life you could only imagine is Kathleen Kennedy, JFK’s sister, and the heir to Chatsworth. Known as Kick, she is and remains a woman who made her way, taking first the U.S. and then England by storm with her incredible persona.
In Kick: The True Store of JFK’s Sister and the Heir to Chatsworth by Paula Byrne we ware taken into the lives once more of the dynamics and tragedies of a family that will intrigue generations to come, and who have left such and indelible mark on history.
Kick left behind a legacy in two different continents, and was beloved by her family and friends. Finding herself as much, and maybe more, at home in England, she breaks taboo with her family and marries a non-Catholic. Love was everything, but Kick was also a Kennedy and proud of her background; the decision rocked her own psyche as well as that of her family back home. Little did she know the man she loved would live such a short life.
Yet we find that Kick continues in her indomitable way, and later finds a passion that even she cannot escape. The story that unfolds holds you immobile as you try to come to terms, as we have had to for so many of this famous and historical family struck by such staggering losses.
Byrne brings us an understanding of one of the lesser known characters, a woman who lived life on her own terms. Along with this telling we are brought even closer to older brother Joe Jr., as well as the family member most like herself, JFK. There is so much beauty and thought, as well as drama and despair you will find this work very difficult to put down.
If you feel like you know all there is to know about this family, you may find this work to show you the error of your thoughts. If you are as infatuated with the family and their history, then this is a work that will be important to your library. Historical and filled with fact and events as they unfold, you will not be disappointed.
This would be a great book for a book club or reading group. The Kennedy family has always found a way to create interesting debate and discussion.
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